Bad Bargains
If the client negotiates beyond reasoning and is unable to understand the importance and quantity of intangible work involved.

Penny Wise Pound Foolish
If the client is not willing to follow standards such as soil testing, electronic site surveys, abiding mandates and byelaws etc.

I want it yesterday
If the client has mismanaged the project's time and wants the burden to be transfered to the architect at the cost of design process and creativity.

Stigma Obsessed
If the client is obsessed over social stigmas like Vastu / Fengshui to the extent it interferes in getting the basics of a good design.

Chaotic Teams
If there're too many stake holders involved in taking basic design decisions. We can work only for one master who'll be the voice of all stake holders.

Brushing It Under Carpet
If the client handily passes payment delays on their side to be handled by an accountant but insists on progress in our work, without understanding we're dependent on it.

Limited Minds
If the client gives priority to some pre-conceived notions over bringing out the potentials of the project.

Design Hoppers
If another architect was involved and was not paid / acknowledged for his / her efforts

NIL Acknowledgement
If we're denied of our design credits or our photographic rights at the end of the project.